Streamline Starter Kit

Launch Your Next SaaS Today

Streamline is Laravel SaaS starter kit that gives you the tools to launch your next SaaS today. Blog - Boost SEO and get more users with an easy to use blogging system - Markdown - SEO meta tags - Image upload (powered by Filepond) - Post categories Payments - Take payments from your customers using Lemon Squeezy - Subscription plans - Payment details management - Cancel, pause or switch plans - Invoice & receipt generator Authentication - Secure your SaaS using Laravel Breeze and social login - Secure registration & login - Social logins (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, GitHub, etc) - Email verification - User impersonation - User management Components - Over 30 components ready to drop in to your front-end - 34 customisable components (Turbine UI) - Tailwind CSS - Themeable Styles - Designed so you don't have to Landing Page - Capture your users attention with a landing page that converts - Hero section - Features section - Pricing section - Reviews section - FAQs section - Newsletter section


£199 on sale for £49




Added 3rd June, 2024